Friday, August 17, 2007

Scattered Thoughts

Here's hoping that this blog won't be as empty as the last! Although that seems relatively unlikely to me. Although perhaps not having a sketchy ex as the only regular reader of the blog will persuade me that I actually have something of substance to add to the internets.

Uninformed Opinions: I've changed my mind completely on organic food. And vegetarian food. Although I was cognizant at the time that I didn't really mean what I was spouting to Jamelle, that organic food was a waste of space and not very efficient, I now hold the complete opposite opinion.

General Complaints: I don't want to finish this paper (for my nanotech job over the summer). Hence the procrastination and blogging of this incohate mess. I'm terrible at finishing anything if I don't have a strict deadline for doing so, and this paper is a perfect example of that. True, I have to get it in to my PI well before the September 14th deadline, so he can proofread it. Also, I have to go back to school in less than a week, and that involves tiny details such as packing, last minute visits with all number of friends and family, the purchasing of fifteen different items I never knew I needed (and the forgetting of another few vital buys I should have made), etc (a wonderful English teacher told me to never use the word etc; instead, just add the few extra things being left out/forgotten to the list. Sound advice, but it's much too difficult to sit here and remember the other things I need to do. They'll come to me. Quite late, the night before I need to leave. I'm quite certain of this, actually.) Getting to the point, this week would be an excellent time to finish this paper - today, in fact, would be best, as no one is home and there are as yet no demands on my time (the M in fact thinks I am working on said paper - optimistic of her.) But try convincing my body of that. It'd rather read trashy magazines and kids books and bang out something which, in a former life, may have resembled piano music.

I'd much rather still be in California, with a bunch of science people who, apart from being a bit self conscious and critical, and thus somewhat dull, were actually LIKE me and actually seemed to, well, enjoy my company (LIKE me :-P). Which was great. CJ and Nikhil were awesome, and Syad and Derek were cool in their own slightly standoffish ways. I've never made friends so quickly. *sigh* Santa Barbara was gorgeous, and had the best weather I've ever experienced, outside of in New Zealand. In fact, it reminded me of New Zealand in a number of ways, which is perhaps why I liked it so much.

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