Monday, August 20, 2007

The Great Outdoors

Kickass day yesterday! Spent most of it outside - went to Barton Springs in the evening and had our longest swim ever there, from maybe 4:45 to 8:30. The water was very murky green, and the visibility was only about 6 feet in front of you or so, but it was still insanely fun. I dived to the bottom as much as I felt brave enough to, and saw lots and lots of fish, (20+ at last count) muddy brown ones and pearly white and maroon ones and so forth. Orange-spotted narkled gudgeons and such :-P. It was glorious just to float in the water and look up at the pecan trees and the bright blue sky. If you kept moving you could stay in the water a really long time, too.

Jessie and I decided that it was so nice outside that we should sleep outside, too. This was also amazing. We set up some blankets and sleeping bags in the backyard, and apart from the M's warnings about the skunk which apparently lives under our deck, we were all set. Although in retrospect, I think I spent way too much time looking at the stars (10-11, 2-3) and reading (and looking out for the skunk). I'm tired now, but nothing a good deal of coffee can't take care of. Woken up this morning by a bunch of dragonflies flitting around overhead :-). What a way to wake up! I don't think I've ever slept under the sky before, without a tent or anything.

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