Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Because I hate myself, I've just been reading "Conservapedia"'s articles on the Theory of Evolution and on the Origin of Life. It was interesting how the commandments page said "1. Everything you post must be true and verifiable." Verifiable unfortunately does not necessarily equal true. And this sort of webpage tends to err by selection and omission, more than by falsifiability (if that's a word) (for a great counterexample, go to "Liberal Tricks" on conservapedia. What a journey into wingnuttery that page was.)

Anyways, I spend too much time reading the trash on that site to even be able to post an intelligent dismissal of it, let along an exhaustive one. Let's just leave it at the fact that I really hope this is some computer science major's arcane practical joke, or that God really hates everyone, or something.